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Beyond the Barriers has Changed Its Name!
Hello Friends,
Just a quick update to let you know that we've decided to change the name of the web page. We've moved recently, and it's the first time in 15 years that we actually felt like our new location is actually HOME.
Once in our new home, we also felt that it was time for a name change and to settle on the right name for the ministry. Up to now, Beyond the Barriers has primarily just been our blog page, but we have been quite busy with ministry as well, and Beyond the Barriers didn't seem to adequately represent who we are or what we do in the body of Christ. We have lived expecting the miraculous for a long time and we encourage others to do the same, so it seemed natural to just let that become the name of our new ministry.
Please pray for us as we regularly minister at a local Christian rehab ministry, preach and teach the gospel and desire to reach our city for Christ. Lake Elsinore is a city that is ripe for revival and we know God has called us here. It was as if we could feel Jesus weeping over this place, and we wanted to be where His heart was moved. The Lord has given us His heart for this city - for the lost. and the outcasts. We are called to the rejected, the bound and the broken.There are so many hurting families in need of restoration - but, there are many more families that are already pouring themselves out to help build the kingdom of God in our midst. There are many, many kind-hearted, compassionate people that also carry the same burden to see this city renewed. God wants to restore His glory in the lives of these people!
Lake Elsinore has been in the news recently with all the poppy super blooms. It has attracted many tourists to see the glory of God displayed on the mountains. It's just a prophetic picture of what God is doing by His Spirit. He is getting ready to pour out His Spirit upon this land and restore the waste places in people's lives - and we get to be a part of it! This is a beautiful place to live and the people are great. We are nestled in lush green valleys with a beautiful view of snow capped mountains and amazing yellow and orange poppies covering the mountain sides and it looks like the glory of God displayed in nature. Veins of deep purple flowers cover the backside of the mountains behind our home. I get to wake up and hear the birds chirping and horses neighing from across the fields. There is such peace. While others may focus on the unlovely aspects of this city, it truly is a lovely place if you have eyes to see the beauty around you. I am so proud to call Lake Elsinore home. God has brought us to a new field to sow our seed and we are expecting an abundant harvest.
We have a house church ministry for discipleship, teaching and training, and we're helping people find the resources they need to help end cycles of homelessness, addictions and brokenness. We want to support what other ministries are doing to help build the kingdom and be an encouragement to them. Please pray for favor in the community and that a building for teaching, training and deliverance ministry would make itself available to us. It seems like more and more broken people are coming across our path and they need more help than we have available at the moment, but we do what we can. One of our main goals is to equip people with the tools they need to get free and end cycles of generational brokenness, poverty and addictions, and help them on the path to restoration. If you would like to partner with us in the harvest by sowing a financial seed it would be greatly appreciated. Scroll down to find our donation button.
Until next blessed, and expect YOUR miracle as you plant seeds in faith.
Just a quick update to let you know that we've decided to change the name of the web page. We've moved recently, and it's the first time in 15 years that we actually felt like our new location is actually HOME.
Once in our new home, we also felt that it was time for a name change and to settle on the right name for the ministry. Up to now, Beyond the Barriers has primarily just been our blog page, but we have been quite busy with ministry as well, and Beyond the Barriers didn't seem to adequately represent who we are or what we do in the body of Christ. We have lived expecting the miraculous for a long time and we encourage others to do the same, so it seemed natural to just let that become the name of our new ministry.
Please pray for us as we regularly minister at a local Christian rehab ministry, preach and teach the gospel and desire to reach our city for Christ. Lake Elsinore is a city that is ripe for revival and we know God has called us here. It was as if we could feel Jesus weeping over this place, and we wanted to be where His heart was moved. The Lord has given us His heart for this city - for the lost. and the outcasts. We are called to the rejected, the bound and the broken.There are so many hurting families in need of restoration - but, there are many more families that are already pouring themselves out to help build the kingdom of God in our midst. There are many, many kind-hearted, compassionate people that also carry the same burden to see this city renewed. God wants to restore His glory in the lives of these people!
Lake Elsinore has been in the news recently with all the poppy super blooms. It has attracted many tourists to see the glory of God displayed on the mountains. It's just a prophetic picture of what God is doing by His Spirit. He is getting ready to pour out His Spirit upon this land and restore the waste places in people's lives - and we get to be a part of it! This is a beautiful place to live and the people are great. We are nestled in lush green valleys with a beautiful view of snow capped mountains and amazing yellow and orange poppies covering the mountain sides and it looks like the glory of God displayed in nature. Veins of deep purple flowers cover the backside of the mountains behind our home. I get to wake up and hear the birds chirping and horses neighing from across the fields. There is such peace. While others may focus on the unlovely aspects of this city, it truly is a lovely place if you have eyes to see the beauty around you. I am so proud to call Lake Elsinore home. God has brought us to a new field to sow our seed and we are expecting an abundant harvest.
We have a house church ministry for discipleship, teaching and training, and we're helping people find the resources they need to help end cycles of homelessness, addictions and brokenness. We want to support what other ministries are doing to help build the kingdom and be an encouragement to them. Please pray for favor in the community and that a building for teaching, training and deliverance ministry would make itself available to us. It seems like more and more broken people are coming across our path and they need more help than we have available at the moment, but we do what we can. One of our main goals is to equip people with the tools they need to get free and end cycles of generational brokenness, poverty and addictions, and help them on the path to restoration. If you would like to partner with us in the harvest by sowing a financial seed it would be greatly appreciated. Scroll down to find our donation button.
Until next blessed, and expect YOUR miracle as you plant seeds in faith.
Breaking Cycles of Arrested Development
Today, more than ever before, there seems to be an increase in various disorders and learning disabilities. 1 in 5 youth has some sort of mental disorder, and mental disorders in young people continue to rise. Autism rates also continue to rise. Suicide and depression continue to rise. The question is, “Are these really medical conditions or is what we are seeing the evidence of a false diagnosis by well-meaning mental health professionals?”
There is an over-use of the word demonization in society today that tends to label people that are hated or perhaps simply not tolerated for one reason or another. I do not mean to misuse or implicate a negative stereotype towards those that may suffer and struggle with some of the issues outlined in this article. However, with that said, I do believe people of faith should recognize the reality of a spiritually rooted issue that deals with demonic oppression. These can often be causes of issues that may be overlooked or misdiagnosed. Spiritually rooted issues can only be solved by dealing with the demonic spirit(s) responsible for the condition.
I believe a great deal that cannot be explained by health professionals gets falsely labeled in order to get treatment for the patient. Without a diagnosis, individuals cannot get medications or professional services. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders helps doctors diagnose symptoms in their patients so that they can be treated and also bill their patients insurance for services, treatment, and medications. I do, however, want to stress that there are legitimate mental health issues that do warrant a variety of treatment options, including medication.
There are many demons that are responsible for certain types of behaviors that manifest as mental health issues. However, doctors are not deliverance ministers; therefore, they must find a way to treat their patients within the scope of their expertise and training. Therefore, it stands to reason that many things that are labeled mental health or psychological issues can have a root cause that is spiritual, not necessarily of physical origin - and demons don’t leave with medication. In fact, they thrive even more because medications prescribed for mental health conditions tend to weaken the mind, allowing demonic spirits to take advantage of a person’s vulnerability and weakened condition. Some of these issues are:
Oppositional Defiance Disorder
Conduct Disorders
Schizophrenia and other Delusional Disorders
Anorexia, Bulemia and Eating Disorders
Learning Disabilities, Mental Blocks and Confusion Disorders
Children that don’t want to grow up, Tantrums and Immaturity Disorders
Stunted Emotional Growth, Self-sabotage, and Irresponsibility
Social Disorders caused by fear and insecurity
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Addictive Behaviors
Self-sabotage and other Self-defeating Behaviors
Tourettes Syndrome
There are many other disorders, but those are just a few. This is not to say that chemical imbalances in the brain cannot be one of the causes - however, it takes discernment and wisdom in partnership with Holy Spirit to correctly identify the cause of an issue, and that should be anyone’s first step in obtaining an accurate diagnosis.
They all have something in common. It’s called Arrested Development. This can enter a family through generational curses, unconfessed sin (which results in a guilty conscience and a lack of peace), rebellion, stubbornness, a strong self will (a form of idolatry) and many other things. With some people, there may be a stubborn, rebellious, fighting and arguing spirit that rises up and insists on having things their way or a tantrum ensues. The individual finds it impossible to adapt to normal social situations. Others tend to withdraw and avoid contact with others because it creates fear and anxiety. They are two opposite sides of the spectrum but at the root of it is a spirit of fear. Fear of embarrassment, fear of rejection, fear of failure or fear of losing control - it could include all kinds of things. As a matter of fact, fear, anxiety, and stress are at the root of all of the issues mentioned in the list above, and FEAR is a spirit.
Many individuals with social, psychological and neurological issues also report obsessive thoughts dealing with lust, sex, death, compulsive thoughts and other things that speak of immorality and uncleanness. In years past, these things were considered evidence of a weakened neurological system due to sin in the ancestry of a family line. In today's society and culture, sin is more widely accepted as normal and other explanations are adopted to explain mental and emotional issues. Sometimes these expanations can be correct, but I think a great deal is labeled and treated with medication when it may not actually a medical problem.
Some of the characteristics of certain issues/disorders (such as Tourettes, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, and others) seem to manifest not at random moments, but specifically at the most inopportune moments that bring shame, embarrassment, more fear, anxiety and social rejection towards those dealing with the problem. It is just my opinion, but I believe it suggests that those type of manifestations are calculated by something with an intelligent mind, not just a random happening. Some individuals that deal with mental and emotional issues also report hearing voices, being given orders, or an uncontrollable need to act on the feeling that rises up inside of them. This suggests they are not in control of themselves but they are more like a puppet where something else is directing their actions.
Arrested Development is not just a disorder; it can also be a grouping of demonic spirits that attack the soul of an individual. Revelation chapter 9 reveals the prince of demons from the bottomless pit (also called the abyss) that is chief over a class of demons known as destroyer spirits. Sometimes an individual opens the door to these spirits, but they can also be inherited through generational curses.
"And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key of the shaft of the bottomless pit; he opened the shaft of the bottomless pit and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft." Rev. 9:1-2, RSV
"They have as king over them the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, in the Greek he has the name Apollyon." Rev. 9:11
There is nothing more destructive than mental and emotional torment. As is noted in Rev. 9:3, destroyer spirits have an assignment to torment people but not always kill them. These spirits resemble locusts but sting like a scorpion and inflict mental anguish.
When you look at the list of disorders, what is at the heart of all of them is a form of mental torment. When children experience fear, trauma, abuse, neglect, anxiety or some type of situation that opens the door to demonic oppression, evil spirits can attack them in their soul. Children are unaware that they are vulnerable and most have no knowledge or understanding of spiritual warfare. They depend on the adults in their life for their safety and protection, and that includes taking authority over any spirits that may have taken up residence in that child’s life. When the adults fail to take spiritual authority over evil spirits, or don’t know which ones to address, those spirits stay and begin to release torment to the child’s soul. This can result in arrested development to prevent people from growing into maturity. These spirits work to keep people stuck in emotional immaturity, and part of that is also blame shifting. The person refuses to take responsibility for their own faults and shifts the blame onto others for the problems they have created in life. It can be closely related to self-pity.
"And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key of the shaft of the bottomless pit; he opened the shaft of the bottomless pit and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft." Rev. 9:1-2, RSV
"They have as king over them the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, in the Greek he has the name Apollyon." Rev. 9:11
There is nothing more destructive than mental and emotional torment. As is noted in Rev. 9:3, destroyer spirits have an assignment to torment people but not always kill them. These spirits resemble locusts but sting like a scorpion and inflict mental anguish.
When you look at the list of disorders, what is at the heart of all of them is a form of mental torment. When children experience fear, trauma, abuse, neglect, anxiety or some type of situation that opens the door to demonic oppression, evil spirits can attack them in their soul. Children are unaware that they are vulnerable and most have no knowledge or understanding of spiritual warfare. They depend on the adults in their life for their safety and protection, and that includes taking authority over any spirits that may have taken up residence in that child’s life. When the adults fail to take spiritual authority over evil spirits, or don’t know which ones to address, those spirits stay and begin to release torment to the child’s soul. This can result in arrested development to prevent people from growing into maturity. These spirits work to keep people stuck in emotional immaturity, and part of that is also blame shifting. The person refuses to take responsibility for their own faults and shifts the blame onto others for the problems they have created in life. It can be closely related to self-pity.
Arrested Development also manifests in areas where the person cannot hold down a job or maintain a sense of stability in their life. The person may look grown up on the outside but on the inside, they cannot deal with the issues of being an adult. Facing the real world as an adult is too stressful for them. They don’t want the responsibility and look for ways to retreat. My own father was a paranoid schizophrenic, and it was said that the pressure of having to take responsibility for a family is what triggered his emotional instability and downward path into mental illness. I'm not sure if that is accurate or not, but he certainly did retreat from any form of responsibility. He was so overcome with anxiety that he convinced himself he was an invalid. I am also aware of other individuals that struggle with these sort of issues. They have difficulty facing the demands of adulthood. This fear of taking responsibility for their own lives will cause people to either look to others to be their savior and provider or run away altogether. When you consider the issues at the heart of addicts, homelessness, mental issues, parental abandonment, and broken families, many of them are dealing with these sort of problems yet don’t know how to break the cycle, so the cycles continue to repeat into future generations. This produces generational poverty, brokenness, addictions and mental disorders that run in families.
Many times the anxiety caused by trying to live responsibly will cause them to turn to drugs, alcohol or other means of escape because familiar spirits will lead them back down that path. People will gravitate to what is familiar, even if it is unhealthy because they have no grid for what healthy looks like. It hasn’t been modeled for them! Deep down they feel insecure and lack confidence in their ability to live as a mature adult. They look to themselves rather than God and have misplaced trust issues. At the root of it, the god of self becomes magnified as the one who is enthroned in their life. When self is on the throne, God is NOT. Self-will is idolatry, and when self is at the center of our life, our ability to make wise choices is sometimes skewed. Because at the heart of the matter is that we become driven by our fears and our needs rather than led by God's Holy Spirit and guided by His wisdom. Self-sabotage is a very real thing, but it can be overcome by heeding the word of the Lord. Self-sabotage comes from an unstable mindset that is rooted in fear.
I believe that many things that have been wrongly diagnosed as psychological disorders, mental disease and disorders can be healed through prayer and guidance from Holy Spirit.
Build Your House on the Rock
Matthew 7:24-27 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”
YOU ARE THE HOUSE. What are you building your life upon? Are you building your house upon your own wisdom or the wisdom of God? God's word is a guide to help us have wisdom for our life and keep us from the things that will release destructive forces in our lives. Jesus said that those that heard His word but didn't incorporate obedience to His word into their lives would be like that unstable house built upon the sand. When the storms of life come, will your house stand, or will your foundation be washed away by the floods? You can build upon instability or you can build upon the rock of Jesus Christ which will add stability to your life, because when you have His presence in your life, it gives you peace of mind. Peace, not Fear. Fear always causes instability!
You may be going through a dark night of your soul, where nothing makes sense and everything seems to be in darkness. God has sent you on a treasure hunt without you understanding it. He wants you to dig deep to discover truth: the truth about yourself and truth about Him. When you discover the truth that has bound your heart, it will set you free and your heart will belong to Jesus in a much deeper way. Ask yourself, "What is really at the core issues of my life? What fears are controlling my behaviors?" Every lie comes from the Father of Lies. God's word is truth!
Satan has had many years of whispering his lies to us, and he knows every place where our belief system is rooted in lies. See, the enemy is just waiting for us to choose the path of self-destruction and self-sabotage so that he can keep us bound to the same old cycles that end in defeat, discouragement, and disappointment. If we want to stop repeating old cycles then we need to first understand that generational curses are real. We all have parents and grandparents, and none of us know the things they have opened a door to. Often times those things result in demonic attachments that act like invisible magnets to other demonic spirits. Their assignment is to keep pulling you back into familiar territory, because when we choose what is familiar then we will keep choosing the things that result in brokenness. The only way to break the cycle is to choose to be uncomfortable because uncomfortable is the pathway to change.
God wants us to find our stability in Him. READ IS. 33:5,6
“The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high; He has filled Zion with justice and righteousness. Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times and the strength of salvation. The fear of the Lord is His treasure.” - Is. 33:5,6
“The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high; He has filled Zion with justice and righteousness. Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times and the strength of salvation. The fear of the Lord is His treasure.” - Is. 33:5,6
I thank you for opening my eyes to see my own blind spots. Help me understand the root issues of my life and what lies are tied into my belief system. Holy Spirit, lead me into the truth that will set me free. Help me choose the path and the plan you have for me, even if it is uncomfortable. Take my hand and walk me through the fear. Bring me out to the other side.
I thank you for opening my eyes to see my own blind spots. Help me understand the root issues of my life and what lies are tied into my belief system. Holy Spirit, lead me into the truth that will set me free. Help me choose the path and the plan you have for me, even if it is uncomfortable. Take my hand and walk me through the fear. Bring me out to the other side.
On behalf of my own sin, and those in my generational line, I renounce and confess the sins of idolatry and rebellion. Forgive us for adopting false gods and demonic spirits to lead our lives. I renounce and confess the sins of allowing other masters besides you to be lord over our lives.
I confess and renounce the sins of evil speaking, shedding innocent blood, slander, lying, bearing false witness against others, dissension and causing division, and pride and haughty attitudes. For us for unbelief, double-mindedness and failing to trust You to be Lord over every area of our lives. I apply the blood of Jesus over every sin in my generational line; those committed by my ancestors and those committed by myself. I ask You, O God, to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and forgive our sin.
You know and discern heart and motive better than I. You know those relationships in my life that are unhealthy. Some have been established by the enemy in order to strip me of all spiritual strength. I ask You to take those relationships out of my hands and do what you know needs to be done with them.
I renounce and break all agreement with spirits of sabotage and command them to leave me now in Jesus name. I declare a disentanglement and separation from all relationships that are designed to destroy, hinder, sabotage, and undermine my identity in Christ, and those that have set themselves against the anointing, calling and purposes of God in Jesus name.
I submit to the authority of Your Holy Spirit and I renounce the spirits of fear, insecurity and inferiority. I command them to go from me now and return to the abyss.
I resist all lying and familiar spirits and bind them to silence. I command them to return to the abyss.
I resist and break agreement with pride, resentment, unforgiveness, bitterness, self-pity, stubborness, rebellion, unbelief, regret, and the spirit of past. I command them to leave me now and return to the abyss created for them in Jesus name.
I break the power of fear that came in as a result of trauma and indoctrination into occult rituals in Jesus name. I choose to see myself as victorious, not a victim, and I command all predatory spirits that cause victimization to leave me now in Jesus name. I choose to forgive anyone that has hurt me or caused trauma to my life, and I release them to You now, Father, for You are a God of justice. I trust You to oversee justice in my life as well as in the lives of those that have caused me pain.
I repent for complaining, murmuring and criticisms that have opened the door to a spirit of death and destruction. I condemn the words I've spoken over myself and others, and I pray that the fruit of negative words would fall to the ground without bearing any evil fruit. I choose to be grateful, Lord. I thank You for all that You are doing in my life to release my restoration.
I repent for complaining, murmuring and criticisms that have opened the door to a spirit of death and destruction. I condemn the words I've spoken over myself and others, and I pray that the fruit of negative words would fall to the ground without bearing any evil fruit. I choose to be grateful, Lord. I thank You for all that You are doing in my life to release my restoration.
As I submit to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and the authority of His Holy Spirit, I now command all evil princes, deputies and wardens as well as the spirit known as Arrested Developmment to leave me now and return to the abyss in Jesus name. You must leave me now and never return.
I reject and resist all destroyer spirits from the bottomless pit, and their chief prince Apollyon/Abaddon. Return to where you came and never torment me again, in Jesus name.
I reject and resist all destroyer spirits from the bottomless pit, and their chief prince Apollyon/Abaddon. Return to where you came and never torment me again, in Jesus name.
I declare that I will not submit myself to the spirit of fear in Jesus name. I will not think as a child or act as a child. I will make the choice to grow into spiritual and emotional maturity.
I declare the enemy's plans are ruined as of this day and no weapon formed against me shall prosper, according to Is. 54:17.
I declare I am anointed with fresh oil as it is written in Psalm 92:10.
I declare the enemy's plans are ruined as of this day and no weapon formed against me shall prosper, according to Is. 54:17.
I declare I am anointed with fresh oil as it is written in Psalm 92:10.
Thank You, Father, for releasing the joy of the Lord to be my strength. Give me victory over the enemy and help me to walk in the light of Your truth. In Jesus name. Amen.
Prayer Declaration over the Temecula Valley and Lake Elsinore
At the heart of many cities are an interesting combination of historical events and spiritual influences. These spiritual influences, for the most part, are invisible, yet very real in terms of how they affect cities and regions. While this particular article and prayer cover the local area of the Temecula Valley and Lake Elsinore, the information contained in this article may also be applicable to many other geographic areas.
It has been an interesting day of being led by the Holy Spirit into studying the history of Lake Elsinore (which is also relevant to the entire Temecula Valley), connecting the dots, rabbit trails of information and revelation. I can’t possibly explain how I happened to land on so many different details of information, but it has proven to be quite extensive as far as gaining spiritual understanding.
There are several factors such as the Masonic/Freemasons, the native Luiseno tribe, the Catholic influence, and of course historical events - all which carry a degree of spiritual significance and influence over this geographic region. I believe these factors have caused a great deal of spiritual resistance and warfare for God’s people, and has hindered many in the body of Christ from being able to cross over and take their land. Others have felt significant delays in being able to make progress. We need to understand the spiritual influences in our individual cities and regions so that we can effectively advance the kingdom of God. It’s time to gain traction and build momentum!
The Gold Rush brought greed, animosity, murder, rage and injustice. A spirit of war was released over the fight for gold, territorial claims and land grabs.
The Freemasons brought in a spirit of secular humanism, false religion, a perverse spirit, heresy, idolatry, oaths and ungodly agreements to spirits of the underworld, sorcery and blasphemy. Freemasons are also tied into the Knights Templar, Scottish Rite, York Rite, the Knights of Malta, Knights of St. Paul, Job’s Daughters, DeMolay and other secret societies.
Freemasons are also known for hiding historical artifacts inside the cornerstone of the Masonic lodges and other buildings they build & dedicate, such as government buildings, schools, post offices, etc. They are often within a very short distance of city hall or historically the first church planted in the city. Masons have been around for a long, long time. Their goal is to destroy the church through the invisible influence of corruption through compromise, all from within. They look for those that have Christian beliefs and appeal to them, yet conceal their true motives until members can be initiated into their cult and they have sufficiently darkened their understanding.
One of the ‘rituals’ of laying the cornerstone called for bloodshed. Sometimes bodies would be encased within the walls or crushed under the foundation of the building as a sacrifice to the gods of the Freemasons.The dedication ceremony involves making the declaration that the cornerstone is laid upon the shadow of man, (just as the soul of man was buried within).
The Catholic Church, through some of the early resident of Lake Elsinore, dedicated the city to the patron St. Frances of Rome and the Lady of the Lake, who is associated with the many names of Mary, also known by other names such as the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Queen of Heaven, the goddess Diana, or Artemis, as she is known in the Greek. This is a reference to ‘mermaid’ and other water spirits that ‘enchant’ their victims so as to drown them in the lake. (Mary, star of the Sea is another reference to the Catholic idol which is also a water spirit)
Catholics also practice building altars to the deceased, burning candles and praying to the dead, (including All Saints Day and Day of the Dead celebrations) which is idolatry and invites familiar spirits.
I understand that there has also been a strong Mormon influence and I'm sure other religions as well, but I think I've covered those false gods and beliefs in the prayer declaration below.
The Luiseno tribe, native to the Temecula Valley and Lake Elsinore, brought in shamanism (witchcraft), sorcery, pagan rituals and ceremonies, indoctrination into occult practices, mourning ceremonies, animal and other familiar spirits. Several of their ceremonies involve the use of herbs and intoxicating mixtures that caused a stupefying effect on their children and others as part of indoctrinating them into pagan rituals. There are direct ties to alcoholism and drug addiction that run quite high in those with native ancestry, quite possibly originating from stupefying and intoxicating rituals.
In the 50's, a heated dispute over the mineral waters and water rights between the property owners (who were Jewish), the State Health Department, the City Council, and other officials in the City of Lake Elsinore became an all out war of slander and defamation. Lake Elsinore became known as a City of Hate and an anti-semitism movement to try to drive out the Jewish population.
Many places in various cities are known for the familiar spirits that ‘haunt’ them, which promotes spirits of dread, horror, turmoil, fear and grief.
All of the above-mentioned practices, traditions and rituals have opened up doors to the enemy that have allowed spiritual gatekeepers to resist the progress of Christians sent to this area to build the kingdom of God in this earth.
This is part of the reason why Christians have encountered such resistance and a spirit of delay in trying to break new ground and keep moving forward. We must take authority in prayer, identifying with and confessing the sins of those in the land and those that came before us, appropriating the blood covering of Jesus’ sacrifice so that breakthrough can follow.
Please see the following prayer declaration.
As a citizen in this region, I take responsibility for the sins of the people that came before me and those living in the land now. There have been great sins committed against You, O God, and others.
I declare that people in the Temecula Valley, Lake Elsinore and throughout the State of California are now awakened to righteousness, and choose righteousness over sin, according to 1 Cor. 15:34 and John 16:13.
I ask You to please forgive us for idolatry, and for inviting false gods and masters to have dominion over us. For it is written in Ex. 20:3-5 that we should have no other gods before You.
Forgive us for making false oaths and agreements with spirits of darkness. Let every ungodly agreement and oath be broken off of the residents of this geographic region now, in Jesus name, for it is written in Matt. 5:33-37:
"Again, you have heard that the ancients were told, 'YOU SHALL NOT MAKE FALSE VOWS, BUT SHALL FULFILL YOUR VOWS TO THE LORD.' "But I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING.” And in 1 Cor. 3:11 it is also written,
"For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."
Forgive us for profaning the name of our Lord and Savior and for blasphemous ways of perverting truth. Father, we have allowed heresies and false teaching to infiltrate the church and bring destructive doctrines. I declare that those people that have propagated destructive doctrine, leading people into rebellion and apostasy either repent or be removed immediately, for it is written in 2 Peter 2:1,
"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction." And again in Gal. 1:8,9 the curse is upon those that preach a different gospel. I declare that people will test the spirits according to 1 John 4:1-3 and discern between truth and error.
Forgive us for declaring that the cornerstone of our cities is laid upon anything other than the revelation of Jesus Christ. For it is written in Acts 4:10-12,
”...Let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead--by this name this man stands here before you in good health. "He is the STONE WHICH WAS REJECTED by you, THE BUILDERS, but WHICH BECAME THE CHIEF CORNER stone. "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."
I declare that every ungodly word spoken by those in covenant with the demonic realm and secret societies such as the Freemasons will have no influence in the geographic region of the Temecula Valley and in the city of Lake Elsinore, for it is written in Jeremiah 51:26:
"They will not take from you even a stone for a corner Nor a stone for foundations, But you will be desolate forever," declares the LORD. And in Deut. 12:31 it is written,
"You shall not behave thus toward the LORD your God, for every abominable act which the LORD hates they have done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods." It is also written in Deut. 18:10,
I declare the cornerstone of our cities is laid upon the revelation of Jesus Christ, according to Eph. 2:20-22, for it is written:
“having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.” And, it is also written in Zech. 4:7,
'What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of "Grace, grace to it!"'"
Forgive us for the sins of injustice, human sacrifice, bloodshed and murder.For it is written in Exodus 20:13 and Matt. 5:21 saying,
“Thou shall not kill,” and 'Do not murder, for anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' “
Let the influence of every secret society and every hidden influence of compromise be broken now, and let every person return to the ways of righteousness. For it is written in Romans 6:12-14:
“Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.
And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin,
but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.” And in Psalm 119:3 it says , “They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths.”
Forgive us for dedicating our cities to spirits of the deceased or demonic spirits, for it is written in 1 Cor. 10:14 that we are to flee idolatry. I cancel every assignment that gave spirits of darkness authority over residents in this region through ungodly dedication ceremonies. I condemn those words and declare each person is reclaimed for the kingdom of God. For it is written in Romans 5:8:
“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
And, in Titus 2:14: “Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.”
Forgive us for the devastation and curses we have brought upon ourselves which caused us to feel scattered as outcasts, unwanted, and unloved. Forgive us for the shame and rejection we have embraced, for Your word tells us in Zephaniah 3:15,
"The LORD has taken away His judgments against you, He has cleared away your enemies The King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst; You will fear disaster no more." And, in Zeph. 3:17 it is written,
In addition Father,
I bind up the spirit of adultery and idolatry and I release the Fear of the Lord according to Prov. 16:6.
I bind up the spirits of heaviness, mourning and grief: and I release the Spirit of Joy according to Psalm 30:5 and John 16:22. I release the Spirit of Praise according to 1 Chron. 16:23-31.
I bind up the spirit of fear, horror, and dread; I release the perfect love of the Father to cast out all fear, according to 1 John 4:18.
I bind up the spirit of disunity, suspicion and jealousy; and I release the Holy Spirit to comfort, love and bring unity according to Phil. 2:1-2.
I bind up the spirits of hate, division and cursing, and release the Spirit of reconciliation according to Col. 3:13 and Eph. 4:32. I break the power of word curses that declared the City of Lake Elsinore was a city of hate. I declare Lake Elsinore is named the City of Love. It is a city of reconciliation, and the spiritual water living in each individual is healed from this day forth, for it is written in 2 Kings 2:19-22 that the source of the water is healed and remains healed to this day.
I bind up the spirit of discouragement, hopelessness and despair; and I release the Spirit of rejoicing according to 1 Kings 8:66 and Esther 8:6.
I bind up all familiar spirits, spirits of python and divination from remaining in the land according to 2 Kings 23:24; Deut. 18:9-14 and Acts 16:18. I command them to go back to the pit of hell that was created for them and remain there until their day of judgment.
I bind up the spirits of death and hell and forbid them from operating against the people in this land. I apply the blood of Jesus to every sin, both of those that settled the land, those that came before us and those that live here now. For it is written in Ephesians 1:6-7 that “In him (Christ) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance to God’s grace,” and we also have acceptance in His Beloved.
I bind up the spirit of abandonment and release the spirit of adoption according to Rom. 8:15.
I bind up the vagabond spirit that causes wandering, and I release the Holy Spirit and the angels of heaven to gather people together according to Psalm 27:10, Jer. 23:3 and Mark 13:27.
I bind the spirit of rejection and shame and I release the Spirit of love and acceptance according to Joel 2:27 for it is written that You are in the midst of us and Your people will never be put to shame. It is also written in Rev. 21:3 that You tabernacle among men and You dwell with Your people, and we are Your people."
I bind the spirits known as unloving, unwanted and forgotten, and I release the Spirit of Remembrance according to Jer. 31:20 and Is. 49:15-16. For it is also written that You have given help to Your servants in remembrance of Your mercy according to Luke 1:54-55.
I command all evil entities to go the abyss according to Rev. 20:10.
Ii command the spirit of delay to be broken now according to Ezek. 12:21-28, for it is written, The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, what is this proverb you have in the land of Israel: ‘The days go by and every vision comes to nothing’? Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am going to put an end to this proverb, and they will no longer quote it in Israel.’ Say to them, ‘The days are near when every vision will be fulfilled. For there will be no more false visions or flattering divinations among the people of Israel. But I the Lord will speak what I will, and it shall be fulfilled without delay. For in your days, you rebellious people, I will fulfill whatever I say, declares the Sovereign Lord.’” The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, the Israelites are saying, ‘The vision he sees is for many years from now, and he prophesies about the distant future.’ “Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: None of my words will be delayed any longer; whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the Sovereign Lord.’”
May angelic assistance be released to come to the aid of Your people, O God. Send help from the sanctuaries of heaven and earth to free Your people, O God. Enable us to move forward, I pray.
Father, let us each come into the kairos timing of the Lord. I call for all the missing pieces to come into place now, and for all that is needed to be put into our hands to enable us to advance the kingdom of God. Let everything that is needed to empower your people to cross over into their inheritance come to them now. Thank You Father, for hearing and answering our prayer. In Jesus name, amen.
It has been an interesting day of being led by the Holy Spirit into studying the history of Lake Elsinore (which is also relevant to the entire Temecula Valley), connecting the dots, rabbit trails of information and revelation. I can’t possibly explain how I happened to land on so many different details of information, but it has proven to be quite extensive as far as gaining spiritual understanding.
There are several factors such as the Masonic/Freemasons, the native Luiseno tribe, the Catholic influence, and of course historical events - all which carry a degree of spiritual significance and influence over this geographic region. I believe these factors have caused a great deal of spiritual resistance and warfare for God’s people, and has hindered many in the body of Christ from being able to cross over and take their land. Others have felt significant delays in being able to make progress. We need to understand the spiritual influences in our individual cities and regions so that we can effectively advance the kingdom of God. It’s time to gain traction and build momentum!
The Gold Rush brought greed, animosity, murder, rage and injustice. A spirit of war was released over the fight for gold, territorial claims and land grabs.
The Freemasons brought in a spirit of secular humanism, false religion, a perverse spirit, heresy, idolatry, oaths and ungodly agreements to spirits of the underworld, sorcery and blasphemy. Freemasons are also tied into the Knights Templar, Scottish Rite, York Rite, the Knights of Malta, Knights of St. Paul, Job’s Daughters, DeMolay and other secret societies.
Freemasons are also known for hiding historical artifacts inside the cornerstone of the Masonic lodges and other buildings they build & dedicate, such as government buildings, schools, post offices, etc. They are often within a very short distance of city hall or historically the first church planted in the city. Masons have been around for a long, long time. Their goal is to destroy the church through the invisible influence of corruption through compromise, all from within. They look for those that have Christian beliefs and appeal to them, yet conceal their true motives until members can be initiated into their cult and they have sufficiently darkened their understanding.
One of the ‘rituals’ of laying the cornerstone called for bloodshed. Sometimes bodies would be encased within the walls or crushed under the foundation of the building as a sacrifice to the gods of the Freemasons.The dedication ceremony involves making the declaration that the cornerstone is laid upon the shadow of man, (just as the soul of man was buried within).
The Catholic Church, through some of the early resident of Lake Elsinore, dedicated the city to the patron St. Frances of Rome and the Lady of the Lake, who is associated with the many names of Mary, also known by other names such as the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Queen of Heaven, the goddess Diana, or Artemis, as she is known in the Greek. This is a reference to ‘mermaid’ and other water spirits that ‘enchant’ their victims so as to drown them in the lake. (Mary, star of the Sea is another reference to the Catholic idol which is also a water spirit)
Catholics also practice building altars to the deceased, burning candles and praying to the dead, (including All Saints Day and Day of the Dead celebrations) which is idolatry and invites familiar spirits.
I understand that there has also been a strong Mormon influence and I'm sure other religions as well, but I think I've covered those false gods and beliefs in the prayer declaration below.
The Luiseno tribe, native to the Temecula Valley and Lake Elsinore, brought in shamanism (witchcraft), sorcery, pagan rituals and ceremonies, indoctrination into occult practices, mourning ceremonies, animal and other familiar spirits. Several of their ceremonies involve the use of herbs and intoxicating mixtures that caused a stupefying effect on their children and others as part of indoctrinating them into pagan rituals. There are direct ties to alcoholism and drug addiction that run quite high in those with native ancestry, quite possibly originating from stupefying and intoxicating rituals.
In the 50's, a heated dispute over the mineral waters and water rights between the property owners (who were Jewish), the State Health Department, the City Council, and other officials in the City of Lake Elsinore became an all out war of slander and defamation. Lake Elsinore became known as a City of Hate and an anti-semitism movement to try to drive out the Jewish population.
Many places in various cities are known for the familiar spirits that ‘haunt’ them, which promotes spirits of dread, horror, turmoil, fear and grief.
All of the above-mentioned practices, traditions and rituals have opened up doors to the enemy that have allowed spiritual gatekeepers to resist the progress of Christians sent to this area to build the kingdom of God in this earth.
This is part of the reason why Christians have encountered such resistance and a spirit of delay in trying to break new ground and keep moving forward. We must take authority in prayer, identifying with and confessing the sins of those in the land and those that came before us, appropriating the blood covering of Jesus’ sacrifice so that breakthrough can follow.
Please see the following prayer declaration.
As a citizen in this region, I take responsibility for the sins of the people that came before me and those living in the land now. There have been great sins committed against You, O God, and others.
I declare that people in the Temecula Valley, Lake Elsinore and throughout the State of California are now awakened to righteousness, and choose righteousness over sin, according to 1 Cor. 15:34 and John 16:13.
I ask You to please forgive us for idolatry, and for inviting false gods and masters to have dominion over us. For it is written in Ex. 20:3-5 that we should have no other gods before You.
Forgive us for making false oaths and agreements with spirits of darkness. Let every ungodly agreement and oath be broken off of the residents of this geographic region now, in Jesus name, for it is written in Matt. 5:33-37:
"Again, you have heard that the ancients were told, 'YOU SHALL NOT MAKE FALSE VOWS, BUT SHALL FULFILL YOUR VOWS TO THE LORD.' "But I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING.” And in 1 Cor. 3:11 it is also written,
"For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."
Forgive us for profaning the name of our Lord and Savior and for blasphemous ways of perverting truth. Father, we have allowed heresies and false teaching to infiltrate the church and bring destructive doctrines. I declare that those people that have propagated destructive doctrine, leading people into rebellion and apostasy either repent or be removed immediately, for it is written in 2 Peter 2:1,
"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction." And again in Gal. 1:8,9 the curse is upon those that preach a different gospel. I declare that people will test the spirits according to 1 John 4:1-3 and discern between truth and error.
Forgive us for declaring that the cornerstone of our cities is laid upon anything other than the revelation of Jesus Christ. For it is written in Acts 4:10-12,
”...Let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead--by this name this man stands here before you in good health. "He is the STONE WHICH WAS REJECTED by you, THE BUILDERS, but WHICH BECAME THE CHIEF CORNER stone. "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."
I declare that every ungodly word spoken by those in covenant with the demonic realm and secret societies such as the Freemasons will have no influence in the geographic region of the Temecula Valley and in the city of Lake Elsinore, for it is written in Jeremiah 51:26:
"They will not take from you even a stone for a corner Nor a stone for foundations, But you will be desolate forever," declares the LORD. And in Deut. 12:31 it is written,
"You shall not behave thus toward the LORD your God, for every abominable act which the LORD hates they have done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods." It is also written in Deut. 18:10,
"There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer,"
I declare the cornerstone of our cities is laid upon the revelation of Jesus Christ, according to Eph. 2:20-22, for it is written:
“having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.” And, it is also written in Zech. 4:7,
'What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of "Grace, grace to it!"'"
Forgive us for the sins of injustice, human sacrifice, bloodshed and murder.For it is written in Exodus 20:13 and Matt. 5:21 saying,
“Thou shall not kill,” and 'Do not murder, for anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' “
Let the influence of every secret society and every hidden influence of compromise be broken now, and let every person return to the ways of righteousness. For it is written in Romans 6:12-14:
“Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.
And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin,
but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.” And in Psalm 119:3 it says , “They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths.”
Forgive us for dedicating our cities to spirits of the deceased or demonic spirits, for it is written in 1 Cor. 10:14 that we are to flee idolatry. I cancel every assignment that gave spirits of darkness authority over residents in this region through ungodly dedication ceremonies. I condemn those words and declare each person is reclaimed for the kingdom of God. For it is written in Romans 5:8:
“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
And, in Titus 2:14: “Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.”
Forgive us for the devastation and curses we have brought upon ourselves which caused us to feel scattered as outcasts, unwanted, and unloved. Forgive us for the shame and rejection we have embraced, for Your word tells us in Zephaniah 3:15,
"The LORD has taken away His judgments against you, He has cleared away your enemies The King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst; You will fear disaster no more." And, in Zeph. 3:17 it is written,
"The LORD your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy."
Your word also reminds us that You so loved the world that You gave Your only Son as a ransom for our lives, according to John 3:16.
In addition Father,
I bind up the spirit of adultery and idolatry and I release the Fear of the Lord according to Prov. 16:6.
I bind up the spirits of heaviness, mourning and grief: and I release the Spirit of Joy according to Psalm 30:5 and John 16:22. I release the Spirit of Praise according to 1 Chron. 16:23-31.
I bind up the spirit of fear, horror, and dread; I release the perfect love of the Father to cast out all fear, according to 1 John 4:18.
I bind up the spirit of disunity, suspicion and jealousy; and I release the Holy Spirit to comfort, love and bring unity according to Phil. 2:1-2.
I bind up the spirits of hate, division and cursing, and release the Spirit of reconciliation according to Col. 3:13 and Eph. 4:32. I break the power of word curses that declared the City of Lake Elsinore was a city of hate. I declare Lake Elsinore is named the City of Love. It is a city of reconciliation, and the spiritual water living in each individual is healed from this day forth, for it is written in 2 Kings 2:19-22 that the source of the water is healed and remains healed to this day.
I bind up the spirit of discouragement, hopelessness and despair; and I release the Spirit of rejoicing according to 1 Kings 8:66 and Esther 8:6.
I bind up all familiar spirits, spirits of python and divination from remaining in the land according to 2 Kings 23:24; Deut. 18:9-14 and Acts 16:18. I command them to go back to the pit of hell that was created for them and remain there until their day of judgment.
I bind up the spirits of death and hell and forbid them from operating against the people in this land. I apply the blood of Jesus to every sin, both of those that settled the land, those that came before us and those that live here now. For it is written in Ephesians 1:6-7 that “In him (Christ) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance to God’s grace,” and we also have acceptance in His Beloved.
I bind up the spirit of abandonment and release the spirit of adoption according to Rom. 8:15.
I bind up the vagabond spirit that causes wandering, and I release the Holy Spirit and the angels of heaven to gather people together according to Psalm 27:10, Jer. 23:3 and Mark 13:27.
I bind the spirit of rejection and shame and I release the Spirit of love and acceptance according to Joel 2:27 for it is written that You are in the midst of us and Your people will never be put to shame. It is also written in Rev. 21:3 that You tabernacle among men and You dwell with Your people, and we are Your people."
I bind the spirits known as unloving, unwanted and forgotten, and I release the Spirit of Remembrance according to Jer. 31:20 and Is. 49:15-16. For it is also written that You have given help to Your servants in remembrance of Your mercy according to Luke 1:54-55.
I command all evil entities to go the abyss according to Rev. 20:10.
Ii command the spirit of delay to be broken now according to Ezek. 12:21-28, for it is written, The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, what is this proverb you have in the land of Israel: ‘The days go by and every vision comes to nothing’? Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am going to put an end to this proverb, and they will no longer quote it in Israel.’ Say to them, ‘The days are near when every vision will be fulfilled. For there will be no more false visions or flattering divinations among the people of Israel. But I the Lord will speak what I will, and it shall be fulfilled without delay. For in your days, you rebellious people, I will fulfill whatever I say, declares the Sovereign Lord.’” The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, the Israelites are saying, ‘The vision he sees is for many years from now, and he prophesies about the distant future.’ “Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: None of my words will be delayed any longer; whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the Sovereign Lord.’”
May angelic assistance be released to come to the aid of Your people, O God. Send help from the sanctuaries of heaven and earth to free Your people, O God. Enable us to move forward, I pray.
Father, let us each come into the kairos timing of the Lord. I call for all the missing pieces to come into place now, and for all that is needed to be put into our hands to enable us to advance the kingdom of God. Let everything that is needed to empower your people to cross over into their inheritance come to them now. Thank You Father, for hearing and answering our prayer. In Jesus name, amen.
Lilith: The Spirit Behind Feminism, Abortion and the Democratic Party
Lilith: The Spirit Behind Feminism, Abortion and the Democratic Party
We will never truly understand the unconscionable demand of people that fight for the right to destroy innocent life unless we first understand the spirit fueling the attitude of the feminist movement. The feminist movement propels the pro-choice agenda supporting the abortion industry and insists that women have the legal right to extinguish the life of their children, including a full term infant. Some states have bills in process to become laws that even allow termination of the newborn’s life after birth. The sin of murder and the injustice of innocent bloodshed has left this nation weighed and measured on the scales of divine justice. As a nation, if we do not turn back now and repent for the extreme injustice that has been allowed to occur in our nation and a failure to value human life, we can only expect the hand of God to allow us to experience the pain of judgment.
The United States is at a crossroads. God’s prophets must herald the call for repentance and His bride must take up the responsibility to urgently pray for this nation to turn their hearts back to God - quickly. Rebellion grieves the Spirit of God.
Isaiah 63:10 But they rebelled against him and grieved his Holy Spirit. So he became their enemy and fought against them.It leads to people hardening their heart, until eventually, they believe that God doesn’t even care anymore and they are free to live without consequence.
Proverbs 28:9 The one who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.
Malachi 2:17 You have wearied the LORD with your words. “How have we wearied him?” you ask. By saying, “All who do evil are good in the eyes of the LORD, and he is pleased with them” or “Where is the God of justice?”
While in worship a few nights ago, I heard the Lord say “an overflow of justice” was coming. Stop and consider the weight of those words. God’s justice works in many ways. We clamor for the justice that brings vindication and restoration of personal losses, and we bombard heaven for petitions that release answer to personal prayer, and God delights to answer us. However, when we pray for justice it is also a two-edged sword. How can we pray for justice when as a nation we have allowed such injustice to occur towards the most innocent? We have robbed justice from the unborn. We haven’t just taken their voice from them, we have robbed them of the right to life, and to the destiny and future that is rightfully theirs. Life is given by the breath and Spirit of God, and we act as if we have a right to take life simply because it becomes an inconvenience. We are no better than ancient civilizations that practiced child sacrifice, cannibalism and other unthinkable crimes against humanity in an effort to appease their false gods. We have not learned from history and now we are repeating it. Abortion clinics, which often employ witches, serve to enthrone Satan through child sacrifice. Worship of false gods has always involved the shedding of innocent blood because that is what gives demonic spirits power in any given city or region. An altar is constructed where certain spirits are enthroned and given dominion.
It is time to rob the enemy of his dominion and right to rule. We must bind these spirits and forbid them from being able to carry out further evil plans, and we must pray to dismantle these evil altars. As intercessors, if we are to exercise our God-given dominion and legislate the laws of heaven, it becomes imperative that we understand the spirits behind the abortion industry and feminist movement. It is not difficult to recognize the anti-Christ spirit, and the spirit of rebellion, but there are others that some people may not be familiar with. Allow me to introduce you to Lilith.
I saw her once in a night vision. She appeared as a beautiful blonde woman, dressed in a seductive black lace dress with huge black wings. She hovered right above my bedroom window. I woke up from a sound sleep crying out, “Who are you, O dark witch of the night? Get out!” Instantly, I knew she had appeared with an assignment against my husband, but we prayed and commanded that spirit to leave. Holy Spirit had revealed the enemy’s agenda before it could come to pass. I knew it was Lilith. It is interesting to note that this spirit will take on a different appearance to whomever it desires to seduce, even changing sexes to tempt people into various lusts and perversions. It is also the spirit behind lesbianism, homosexuality, gender confusion and other sexual temptations. Lilith works in tandem with the spirit of Pan, who is known as the god of sexual temptation; also known as the satyr or the goat that represents Satan himself.
According to the New World Encyclopedia, Lilith was first mentioned in ancient Mesopotamia mythology around 3000 B.C. In ancient Sumer, lilitu was known as a name for a group of storm spirits that preyed upon women and children. They were associated with lions , storms, desert and disease and unclean spirits. They were also associated with incubus and succubus spirits, lust, sexual temptation, and destroyers of marriage. From the lilitu come similar demons known as Lilu, Lila and Lilith. These spirits are mentioned in Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, and in Greek mythology are known as Lamia, which was a group of child-stealing witches. Lamia bore the title of child-killer, and is associated with abortion, miscarriage and stillbirth. Lilith, or Lamia, by which ever name she is referred to, causes the death of premature, yet-to-be born infants as well as newborns and young children. Lamia described as having a human upper body from the waist up and a serpentine body from the waist down. The Lamia is known for a “vicious sexual appetite that matched her cannibalistic appetite for children.” (
The Lilitu, Lilith and Lamia are mentioned in various ancient texts such as Mesopotamian and Greek mythology, the Septuagint (which is the earliest Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures), the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Talmud, Jewish historical folklore, and the Bible. Jewish folklore presents Lilith as Adam’s first wife, who was later replaced by Eve. This we know is untrue because the Bible is clear about it. Jewish folklore also presents Lilith as the female companion/counterpart to Satan, as queen of the underworld. Most variations agree that this class of demons is also associated with a dominant female demon, also known as a seductress or adulterous woman that lures men to their destruction.
In the Bible, the Lilith spirit is mentioned in Isaiah 34:14, associating it with the destruction of Edom. "The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the "screech owl" also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest." (KJV)
The Strong’s Concordance distinguishes what sort of ‘wild beasts’ are gathered with the screech owl: Jackals, wolves and desert dwellers. We know that according to scripture demons are sent to the arid, dry places seeking rest but they find none. (see Luke 11:24). The word for “screech owl” in the Strong’s Concordance is #3917a, the word for Lilith. It comes from the word layil, meaning night monster or a female night demon. This spirit is portrayed as a night owl, or a screech owl, whose companions are desert dwellers, devouring and destroying beasts such as jackals and wolves, and the hairy goat known as the satyr (another reference to Satan). Other translations of the Bible include the description of Lilith as a night-owl, night hag, night monster, vampires, lilith and night creature. :
Lilith, also like Jezebel, represents a woman that refuses to live peaceably with others and forces others to adopt to her demands. She is incapable of being in a spiritual, equally yoked Christian marriage because not only is she opposed to Biblical principles, but she feels superior to man. She feels she is man’s teacher and that she is constantly evolving into a higher plane of spirituality and must guide men into their destiny. She is strong-willed, proud, and stubborn. She lives by self-will, does what she wants and digs in her heels at male authority because she feels she is constantly fighting for her freedom. She is constantly trying to assert herself in an attempt to take what she feels she deserves.Lilith appeals to feminists because she is associated with freedom from any constraints, including sexual freedom and immorality. Lilith also represents the covetous woman that wants other women’s children and is out to destroy their marriages. This is a spirit husband or spirit wife, depending on who it is attached to. She does not want to raise, nurture and love children, but she will defile and devour them, often killing them when she has opportunity. This can be a natural or spiritual death. Lilith also represents the anti-Christ spirit, because she despises any authority except for her own.
In December of 1972 a woman activist by the name of Lily Rivlin wrote an article for Ms. Magazine that championed the demon Lilith as representing the Feminist Movement and it quickly gained popularity. There are some in the feminist movement that have one foot in the demonic realm and the other in Christianity, trying to spin their beliefs so that it sounds almost agreeable with Christianity, but do not be deceived. These dual belief systems are deliberately deceptive and are not compatible with the truth of scripture. Lilith became the new face of the modern woman advocating for equal rights, and thus became the spirit behind the Feminist Movement. It is also the spirit behind the abortion industry and the Democratic Party that upholds upholds a pro-choice position toward abortion. Satan demands blood sacrifice as a means of worship. It is how he builds a demonic throne where he is glorified instead of God. Those that advocate for abortion laws are merely puppets advocating Satan’s agenda.
I hope that this historical reference has helped identify the Lilith/Lamia spirit and the characteristics by which it is known. This is the spirit behind the Feminist Movement, the Abortion Movement, and much of the Democratic Party. I believe it is also the spirit behind the forced vaccination laws, too. Lilith wants control over the children and families, and we must fight it with strategic prayer. Until we understand what we’re dealing with, we won’t effectively take authority over these things. Prayer declarations incorporating the word of God against the works of evil is vital to overturning corruption. For your assistance, I have also included a prayer declaration for intercessors to utilize.
I come to you as your intercessor, standing in the gap for the sins of my nation. I ask You to forgive us for being so negligent to abandon our prayer post and allow complacency to hinder our obligation to pray. Please let the blood of Jesus cover our sins, and forgive our unrighteousness. You said in Your word that whatever we agreed upon in prayer, whatever we loosed, or permitted on earth would be permitted, and whatever we bound on earth would likewise be bound in heaven. We have permitted evil to reign in this land far too long, and have allowed evil to overtake this land because we did not commit ourselves to prayer on important issues.Forgive us for not taking a stand sooner, for allowing fear and intimidation from those serving the enemy to intimidate Your people into complacency and silence.Forgive us for letting lawlessness rule in our homes, families, and society. Forgive us for not placing the utmost priority and value on human life. Forgive us for shedding innocent blood. Forgive our lawmakers for passing unjust laws that rob the innocent of life. Forgive the greed of the abortionists and those that desire the organs of the babies that are aborted for selfish gain. We have grieved You tremendously and we plead for Your mercy. Please help us overcome all the works of the evil one through our prayers and decrees.
I come before the court of heaven as a child of God who has been bought with the precious blood of Your Son, my Lord Jesus Christ. Father, I am not only Your child; I am an heir to the kingdom of God, and I am the bride of Your Son. I appeal to You as one having all authority over the works of the enemy, according to Luke 10:19 where it is written, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” Furthermore, it is written that I am raised up with Christ and seated in heavenly places, where there is authority to reign and rule with Christ. As a legitimate heir and ambassador to the kingdom of God, I ask that You bring all adversaries and enemies into the court of heaven where a judgment against them will be rendered on behalf of the saints of God. Let this decree serve to bind them with fetters and execute the judgement of Your word without delay.
In the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind the demon grouping known as Lilit, Lilith, Lamie and all spirits known as Lilu, lilitu, Irdu lili and Ardat lilit. I bind the spirits of Ishtar, lust, sorcery, the anti-Christ spirit, pride, rebellion, the spirit of abortion, murder, and the spirit of accusation that desires to rule over this nation.
I declare that the citizens of this nation will reject the spirit of the immoral, adulterous woman the seeks to destroy them according to Prov. 5:6.
I declare that the citizens of this nation will turn their heart away from the evil, adulterous woman known as Lilith/Lamie and all spirits associated with her according to Prov. 7:24-26.
I declare the citizens of this nation will reject the seducing spirit of the contentious woman according to Prov. 27:15-16.
I declare that Jesus has rebuked all storm spirits according to Mark 4:39.
I declare the citizens of this nation will repent, divorce their pagan wives and renounce spiritual spouses that are prohibited by scripture, according to Ezra 10:2-3, Deut. 7:3-4.and 2 Cor. 6:14.
I declare that the Spirit of Wisdom will save those being tempted and deceived by the adulterous woman, according to Prov. 2:16.
I declare that the Lord will strip away everything that makes the spirit of immorality and the seduction of Lilith attractive according to Isaiah 3:16-18.
I declare that the spirit fueling the Feminist Movement known as Lilith will lose its ability to captivate and influence others according to Proverbs 5:20.
I bind the spirit of the screech owl and all unclean spiritual birds from operating in my sphere of influence. Let all evil birds be caught in a snare according to Ecc. 9:12.
I declare all unclean bird spirits are caged according to Jeremiah 5:27.
I declare that people of this nation shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils, after whom they have gone a whoring, according to Lev. 17:7.
I declare the promise of Psalm 91 over the United States of America. We will not be given over to terror at night. I command every evil spirit that attempts to visit people at night to be bound and sent back to the abyss, according to Psalm 91:5. For it is written that what is bound on earth is bound in heaven according to Matt. 18:18.
I loose the Holy Spirit, full of Truth, Wisdom, Purity, Discernment, Mercy, Grace and Love. I loose the Spirit of Justice and Judgment over the works of the enemy in Jesus name. Let there be a release of the Fear of the Lord over this nation.
I loose the dunamis power of Your might, and ask that the strength of Your hand would move upon the lawmakers, judges, Supreme Court justices, and compel them to overturn injustice. Give us judges that aren’t bought off with a bribe. Your promise in Isaiah 1:26 is that You would give us good judges and wise counselors again. Please give us our liberty back, in Jesus name!
Let ungodly stewards be deposed from their office and let another more righteous person take their place. Let their authority be stripped from them according to Isaiah 22:20-22.
We declare that You will ruin the enemy's plans and remove the crown from those unworthy to govern. You will give the right to rule to the people who will rule in righteousness, and those You have chosen, according to Your promise in Ezekiel 21:27 and Jeremiah 23:6.
Father, there are corrupt politicians, lawmakers, judges, those that work at the abortion clinics, at the CDC and those in the vaccine industry that have conspired against Your people. They have conspired for the sake of evil gain, and have plotted against the lives of the innocent. They seek to destroy our children. YOUR CHILDREN, LORD. Let those businesses who make their gain through immoral means and get rich at the expense of the well-being of others wither and dry up immediately. As You cursed the fig tree and it supernaturally dried up overnight, let the same be done to those who conspire to profit by violence against innocent children and the citizens of this nation. Father, these people have rejoiced at destroying Your heritage. Therefore, let the curse enter the house of the thief that consumes their entire house, as it is written in Zechariah 5:4, and may the thief have to give up the entire substance of his house according to Prov. 6:31.
Bring out the weapons of Your indignation according to Jeremiah 50:25. Let Your arrows be released to carry out the judgment against those bearing the oppressing sword. Those oppressing Your people have refused to let them go. I ask You for judgment with mercy against those that warrant Your judgment and discipline. Free the captives, O God, for it is written in Isaiah 49:25 that You will contend with those that contend with us and You will save our children from the hand of the wicked oppressors.
We declare ungodly thrones are overturned and the power of foreign kingdoms are shattered. You have overthrown the driving forces and those that are in league with evil forces according to Haggai 2:2.
May the people in this land to turn their hearts back towards You. For it is written in 1 Samuel 12:14-15, “Now if you fear and worship the Lord and listen to his voice, and if you do not rebel against the Lord’s commands, then both you and your king will show that you recognize the Lord as your God. But if you rebel against the Lord’s commands and refuse to listen to him, then his hand will be as heavy upon you as it was upon your ancestors.”
I declare You O God have performed mighty deeds with Your arm; You have scattered those who are proud in the thoughts of their hearts according to Luke 1:51
I declare that you frustrate the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot carry out their plans. You catch the wise in their own craftiness and the counsel of the cunning comes quickly upon them according to Job 5:12,13.
I declare that the people in this nation will not harden their hearts against Your commands any longer, according to Hebrews 3:15, and that they will hear Your voice.
It is written in Your word, O God, in Psalm 127:3-5 that children are an inheritance from the Lord. You also said that we would not be put to shame when we contend with our opponents in court, so we appeal to the court of heaven and ask to find grace and help in the time of our need.
Father, we contend that abortion is an abomination because it terminates the life of the unborn who are made in Your image. You said in Exodus 20:13 “Thou shall not kill.” We ask that all abortion laws such as Roe vs Wade and others allowing abortion to be overturned, and that new laws would be made that protect and preserve human life.
Father, create enmity where it’s needed in order to divide loyalties within the Feminist Movement, the Democratic Party, unjust politicians and lawmakers and those in the abortion industry. Let the Fear of the Lord and the conviction of Your Holy Spirit turn their hearts to you. Let their moral convictions return to them. Restore them to their right minds. Bring division to their movement, for it is written that when the strongman is bound then his house can be divided and we can take the spoils. I pray that You also hand select the judge(s) that will hear and decide important case laws. Let Your will be delivered as the final judgment not the will of man. Let our prayers come before you and may You send Your help in answered prayer quickly, O Lord. May it bring you great glory. In Jesus name, amen.
I declare this is the time of the Lord’s recompense towards His people, for the judgment of those who conspire to harm innocent life has reached to heaven. Let the arrows be released into the enemy’s camp! Let the evil kingdoms be broken and destroyed according to Jeremiah 51:21.
Father, I thank you for granting your people victory over the enemy. Let every evil work be destroyed according to Your word. Let Your angels be released on their assignments. Turn the heart of those marked for salvation. Let those destined for destruction be removed. Save your people O God. Save our children and their destinies. Restore the foundations of morality, justice and righteousness to this nation I pray. In Jesus name. amen.
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