Hey gang! Sorry, I have not posted a new article in a while, but I've been busy working on a new project. I am happy to announce my NEW book, PROVISION IN UNEXPECTED PLACES!
It just became available today through Create Space, and is also available on Amazon.
This is a book about hope. Multitudes of people have lost homes, businesses, jobs, finances and more due to natural disasters, economic issues or other things, and they are faced with starting over. Sometimes people have to start over in a completely new place!
We have lived it, and we know how intimidating and frightening it can be when all of a sudden you have nothing and no one to depend on except God. No safety nets. No familiar faces. No references for a job. No family or friends to turn to. Nothing.
This is our story about God's miraculous provision in the midst of our struggles to start over, not just once, but several times. He can get you through transition! He can take your mess and use it to birth miracles! He got us through it, and He can do it for you, too! Do you want to discover the God that knows all your needs? Can help you start a business with absolutely nothing? The God that can give you strategy for business and prosperity? Come along on the journey and meet the God of dead ends, difficulties, and disasters - the loving Father that will take care of you and get you through your challenges!
Click on the link to order your copy now! ORDER PROVISION IN UNEXPECTED PLACES
Or go to: https://www.createspace.com/7541196