Beyond the Barriers has Changed Its Name!

Hello Friends,

Just a quick update to let you know that we've decided to change the name of the web page. We've moved recently, and it's the first time in 15 years that we actually felt like our new location is actually HOME.

Once in our new home, we also felt that it was time for a name change and to settle on the right name for the ministry. Up to now, Beyond the Barriers has primarily just been our blog page, but we have been quite busy with ministry as well, and Beyond the Barriers didn't seem to adequately represent who we are or what we do in the body of Christ. We have lived expecting the miraculous for a long time and we encourage others to do the same, so it seemed natural to just let that become the name of our new ministry.

Please pray for us as we regularly minister at a local Christian rehab ministry, preach and teach the gospel and desire to reach our city for Christ. Lake Elsinore is a city that is ripe for revival and we know God has called us here. It was as if we could feel Jesus weeping over this place, and we wanted to be where His heart was moved. The Lord has given us His heart for this city - for the lost. and the outcasts. We are called to the rejected, the bound and the broken.There are so many hurting families in need of restoration - but, there are many more families that are already pouring themselves out to help build the kingdom of God in our midst. There are many, many kind-hearted, compassionate people that also carry the same burden to see this city renewed. God wants to restore His glory in the lives of these people!

Lake Elsinore has been in the news recently with all the poppy super blooms. It has attracted many tourists to see the glory of God displayed on the mountains. It's just a prophetic picture of what God is doing by His Spirit. He is getting ready to pour out His Spirit upon this land and restore the waste places in people's lives - and we get to be a part of it! This is a beautiful place to live  and the people are great. We are nestled in lush green valleys with a beautiful view of snow capped mountains and amazing yellow and orange poppies covering the mountain sides and it looks like the glory of God displayed in nature. Veins of deep purple flowers cover the backside of the mountains behind our home. I get to wake up and hear the birds chirping and horses neighing from across the fields. There is such peace. While others may focus on the unlovely aspects of this city, it truly is a lovely place if you have eyes to see the beauty around you. I am so proud to call Lake Elsinore home. God has brought us to a new field to sow our seed and we are expecting an abundant harvest.

We have a house church ministry for discipleship, teaching and training, and we're helping people find the resources they need to help end cycles of homelessness, addictions and brokenness. We want to support what other ministries are doing to help build the kingdom and be an encouragement to them. Please pray for favor in the community and that a building for teaching, training and deliverance ministry would make itself available to us. It seems like more and more broken people are coming across our path and they need more help than we have available at the moment, but we do what we can. One of our main goals is to equip people with the tools they need to get free and end cycles of generational brokenness, poverty and addictions, and help them on the path to restoration. If you would like to partner with us in the harvest by sowing a financial seed it would be greatly appreciated. Scroll down to find our donation button.

Until next blessed, and expect YOUR miracle as you plant seeds in faith.

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