Prayer to Be Healed from Sexual Abuse

Father God,

You know the things that I have gone through in my life, and the things that were done to me against my will. I would like to be healed from my past. I understand that I must forgive ______ (speak the names of those that have sinned against you) so that I can also have my own sins forgiven, and I ask You to empower me to do so. As a matter of my will, I choose to forgive them and ask that You, Father, give me grace and strength to not take this offense back into my heart. I ask that You heal those that have perpetrated sins against me, and set them free from the perversity and sin that has them bound.

I loose myself from all shame, resentment, fear, insecurity and feelings of inferiority that have come upon me as a result of sexual molestation. I reject and refuse all lying spirits, familiar spirits, incubus and succubus spirits and command them to go in Jesus name.

I reject, refuse, renounce and divorce all unclean demonic spirits of perversity, pedophilia, voyeurism, domination, brutality, homosexuality, confusion, gender confusion, mischievous and troublemaking spirits, spirits of double-mindedness, unbelief, sodomy, rape, anger, rage, bitterness, unforgiveness, witchcraft, lust, idolatry, hard heartedness, accusation, familiar and familial spirits, pride, rebellion, and death. I renounce the spirit of Pan, the god of sexual stimulation. I renounce Lilith, and all spirits known as incubus and succubus. I repent for any ways that I have knowingly or unknowingly come into agreement with these spirits, and I humbly submit myself to the Lord Jesus Christ and the authority of His Holy Spirit. Father, please forgive my sin and adopt me as Your child. Lord Jesus, I pray that Your blood would wash over my mind, my body and my spirit and make me clean. Renew in me a pure thought life.

I command the enemy to flee from me and take everything he has put on me, everything he has brought into my life, and every seed that he has implanted into my belief system. I reject every seed of distrust, fear, anger, rebellion, accusation, bitterness, spiritual adultery, lust, idolatry, and perversity and command them to die immediately, in Jesus name.

I receive by faith the healing for my mind, my emotions, my body and spirit. I receive by faith the mind of Christ, and I choose this day to pull up the root of bitterness and replace it with the love of God. I ask You Lord to plant forgiveness in place of bitterness.

I receive by faith healing for my emotions, belief system, and perspective towards others. I pull up fear, anger, rebellion, lust, pride, and idolatry. I ask You Lord to plant faith, love and joy.

I thank you, Lord Jesus, for being my healer, restorer, redeemer and protector. I thank you for replacing every lie in my belief system with the truth that will set me free. Thank You, Holy Spirit for releasing revelation as to my true identity in Christ.Thank you for giving me a revelation of my heavenly Father's love that will displace the lies from the enemy and fill my heart with peace. I thank You for establishing and settling me in faith and truth, in Jesus name.

Help me, Lord Jesus, to identify and break free from any relationships that are unhealthy and undesirable in Your eyes. Help me to honor Your word, Your will and Your wishes. You know my weaknesses; I pray for strength to overcome them. For those things that You know I cannot or will not be able to overcome in my own strength, I pray that You would take them out of my hand and let it be done according to Your will for my life and for the benefit of Your will carried out in the lives of others, too. Lord, replace those relationships with better ones that will strengthen me in my walk with you, and fill the void for love, relationship and friendship.

Father God, I thank You for overcoming victory. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and empower me to live for You. Forgive me for the ways in which I have not been honest with myself, others, or You. Help me to live a life that honors You and brings You glory. In Jesus name, Amen.

#Prayerforhealingfromsexualabuse, #Prayerforhealingemotions, #Breakfreefromthepast, #Healingfromtrauma

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